Building information you need to provide for ROM bid
Article #3 from Publishing RFP for DAS series. Probably the most information you need to provide to the bid participants for the ROM process.
Building information is very critical for ROM
Provide a list of building(s), # of floors, wall type, and user count, and you can provide all of this information in an Excel sheet. This Excel sheet is in one of the tabs of the bid form I have provided.
Snapshot of Excel sheet to collect building information
List of the buildings: Give a list of the buildings you want to provide coverage to.
Floors: Provide numbers of floors in each building.
Wall types: What are the wall types on each floor? Dry or sheet rock, metal, concrete, etc.. Remember wall types make a big difference in design. If you have an AutoCAD version of the floor plans, provide them to the vendors. AutoCAD will usually show the type of walls for your building.
User Count: Forecasted number of users at peak time. It’s better if you have real data instead of forecast. Why peak time? Because if your system is designed to handle the traffic at the peak time, it will be able to handle the traffic at any other time.
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